Post by Marcin BorkowskiPost by YUE DaianPost by Marcin BorkowskiIvy can do these things, too.
Sure. And dramatically after I tried Ivy since yesterday, I have already
uninstalled helm...
Wow, that escalated quickly.
You know, since everyone here recommends Ivy I was really curious about
it. And after trying it I think it is really good :-D
Post by Marcin BorkowskiPost by YUE DaianThank you guys, for helping me find a new tool that suits my taste more.
As someone who used both Helm and Ivy, could you summarize the key
differences? I don't think I'm going to switch to Helm;-), but I'm just
Both are excellent and I think the choice between them more likes
personal taste.
- Complexity. Helm defines a set of operation logic while Ivy completes
your habit in Emacs life. For example by default <tab> is used as
invoke-action instead of performing completion in Helm. You have to
configure much to make it behave in the way you like.
- Helm is more integrated. It contains literally every single bit of
Emacs functions, e.g. calculator. On the contrary Ivy is more
distributed thus feels more light-weight. IMO it is really funny to
integrate calculator in Helm.
- Helm uses buffer to display its information, while Ivy uses
mini-buffer. This may lead to very different experience. Sometimes C-g
cannot fully quit current operation in Helm because the usage of
window. This problem never happens in my (limited) Ivy life.
- Speed. My brief feeling is that Helm is slower most of the time, but
helm-ag rocks counsel-ag really hard. Also when dealing with very
large repo, helm-projectile is far more faster than
counsel-projectile. But maybe it is because I am using wrong regex
engine, I am not sure.
These are just some most significant feelings I have after switched to
Ivy. I believe there are more along with my Ivy life...
Post by Marcin BorkowskiPost by YUE DaianPost by Marcin BorkowskiPost by YUE DaianI think the biggest change helm brings is that it uses buffer instead of
mini-buffer to display its results.
How is that beneficial? (I don't claim it isn't - I just don't know
what are the pluses.)
Here "change" is a neutral word.
Some people like it, some people don't.
Some people say that using an individual buffer may display more
information, such as file size, directory etc for buffer list.
IMHO most information is not really needed (by me).
So personally I could accept it, but I don't miss it after switching to
I see.
Marcin Borkowski