gmane and gmail
Roy Lemmon
2018-12-03 09:55:50 UTC
I have recently subscribed to several mailing lists for Emacs, such as
help-gnu-emacs and emacs-devel. I have used my regular gmail email for
this. Not surprisingly, I get lots of emails in my inbox from these lists !

I am using gnus to both read my email (from Gmail) and also to subscribe to
and read these mailing lists via gmane. So I am getting the same mailing
list emails from gmane and also via my Gmail email.

How do people manage this ? In principle the Gmail emails are redundant as
I could do everything in gmane. Do you just accept both and filter, or is
there a way I can post and reply in gmane only and the mailing list doesn't
send to my gmail address ?

Thanks, Roy.
Eric S Fraga
2018-12-03 16:38:40 UTC
Choose one or the other, i.e. subscribe for email or read on gmane via
nntp. Not sure why you would want to do both.

I use gmane generally as nntp is much better for this.
Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50 & org 9.1.13 on Debian 9.5
Roy Lemmon
2018-12-03 17:28:04 UTC
Thanks Eric. What I have done is keep subscribed to the mailing list but
turned off sending email. I could do this in the mailman interface.

I agree gmane and nntp is better for the mailing lists.

Eric Abrahamsen
2018-12-03 17:25:02 UTC
Post by Roy Lemmon
I have recently subscribed to several mailing lists for Emacs, such as
help-gnu-emacs and emacs-devel. I have used my regular gmail email for
this. Not surprisingly, I get lots of emails in my inbox from these lists !
I am using gnus to both read my email (from Gmail) and also to subscribe to
and read these mailing lists via gmane. So I am getting the same mailing
list emails from gmane and also via my Gmail email.
How do people manage this ? In principle the Gmail emails are redundant as
I could do everything in gmane. Do you just accept both and filter, or is
there a way I can post and reply in gmane only and the mailing list doesn't
send to my gmail address ?
Ideally, you wouldn't sign up to gmane with an email address, you would
just add the gmane NNTP server to your Gnus installation, and do
everything via NNTP.

BUT... the auto-authorization mechanism for gmane has been broken for a
while, so you wouldn't be able to post (unless you've authorized in the

So you're stuck posting via Gmail, and reading via... both. If you set
`gnus-suppress-duplicates' non-nil, then read the messages in one
interface, Gnus will automatically mark the messages read in the other.

But why not just set up a filter in Gmail? Put the messages in their own
folder, mark them read by default, or just delete them altogether.

Continue reading on narkive: